vanite avalona

With a vision to shake up the canned cocktails and spritzers market Vanite Avalona has been designed as a vibrant and engaging brand. Bold not only in it’s flavour combinations but also design, it is positioned to be a memorable and formidable player in the category. Brand Vanite Avalona uses bold imagery and colour ways to reflect not only the exotic and exciting flavour combinations but also the brand philosophy.   

Brand Design / Logo design / Brand Positioning / Imagery Design / Art Direction / Brand Story / Messaging Brand Guidelines / Tone of Voice Brand Personality

THE creative BRIEF

The creative brief for Vanite Avalona was to create an atmosphere around the brand of sun, fun and good times. Target audience were identified as being primarily female aged in their twenties and thirties. The brand needed to feel youthful, energetic, bright and vibrant. The logo needed to be simple, minimal and iconic. 

The overarching look and feel of the brand needed to reflect the good times associated with the product. Holidays, parties, friends, good times.


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If you’d like to have a chat that’s all about your brand and your vision, get in touch.